Pokemon Strangled Red 2:Strangled Blue

Remember how I said Strangled Red must have come in a pair?Well it turns out I was right because yesterday in the same trash can I found Strangled Red I found another GAME BOY cartridge that was a Pokemon Blue cartridge and there was a HUGE smile drawn across Blastoise's face in marker!So I brought it back to my house to shove it into my GAME BOY's cartridge slot,turned my GAME BOY on and saw the title: Pokemon Strangled Blue!Just like Strangled Red, the game wouldn't let me continue the previous save game, so I selected new game and I was playing as Red and after taking ONE step I got a message from Prof.Oak and he said that he wanted Red to do something and to come to his lab and get briefed.I was in the middle of Viridian City so I walked down the easy path to Pallet town and into the Pokemon lab.There I was greeted by Prof.Oak who gave red a SHOTGUN and some EXPLOSIVES and then said that he wanted Red to go to STEVEN's house and see what exactly is going on and why his house is blocked off by rocks.Now it made sense to me why Oak gave me the explosives,he wanted Red to blow the rocks up so he could get into Steven's house and confront him.So I went to Steven's house and blew up the wall surrounding it with the explosives.I entered Steven's house and, at this point you could tell that the house had been abandoned for a while.I decided to take a quick look at my Pokemon, I I had a Charmander And a Pidgey in my party.I went upstairs and saw Steven eating his brother and mother, along with his charmander, Miki's corpse in the corner of the room!Steven was comitting cannibalism!It was obvious that at this point Steven had lost 100% of his humanity.Then Steven turned around to look at Red and a text box appeared saying this:"Y0u s!0l3 my f@m3..." then there was another text box and it said this: "! @m g0!ng !0 k!11 y0u!".Steven walked up to Red and a battle commenced It wasn't a Pokemon battle it was a Human battle! Steven's sprite from his trainer card was on the playing field and it was the insane Steven from the end of Strangled Red,S!3v3n ! His name even appeared as if he were a Pokemon himself and his level was 666! In short it said "S!3v3n lvl.666 and showed his hp. And it did the same thing for Red:"Red lvl.50 and showed his hp".So now I knew why Prof.Oak gave me a shotgun,so I could fight Steven.I also realized that this "Strangled Blue" was in fact, a sequel to Strangled Red!I only had two moves, "shoot" and "whack".I chose shoot and it was an instant K.O.!The battle ended and Steven wasn't dead he was just injured and then the screen faded to black and some text appeared :"Steven was brought to a hospital and got his wounds healed by nurse Joy,after making a full recovery,Steven was sent to an insane asylum where he remained for the rest of his life taking part in therapy sessions" THE END! The game went back to the title screen and I tried selecting continue game and it said this:"haha gotcha! I farted in your face" -Trollollollollol